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Women in the Ottoman Empire

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The Human Rights Reader

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The Fasces A History of Ancien…

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Fukushima and Civil Society

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American Hysteria

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Refounding Political Governanc…

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European Lobbying An Occupatio…

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The Return of Resentment

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Pathologies of Democratic Frus…

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Utopia without Ideology

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Rent What is Political Economy

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Gender Roles and Political Con…

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Capitalism and its Critics

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Uncertainty Shocks in Africa

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Interpreting Brexit Reimaginin…

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There Is an Alternative

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Divided Environments

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Global Trade and Trade Governa…

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Political Geographies of the B…

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The Political Economy of Clima…

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The Bastille Effect Transformi…

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Kypriōn Politeia the Politica…

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The Rise and Fall of Britain s…

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Thinking Revolution Through Fi…

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Jacob L Talmon Mission and Tes…

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The Political Transformation o…

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Political Ethics A Handbook

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Antislavery Political Writings…

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After Authoritarianism

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Information Wars in the Baltic…

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