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The Manga Guide to Electricity

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Encyclopedia of Chemical Physi…

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Computer Algebra Recipes for M…

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The Oxford Handbook of the His…

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Conceptual Physics Global Edit…

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25% 51Q80SR77JL._SX379_BO1,204,203,200_

Fundamentals of Rock Physics

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Indian National Physics Olympi…

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Representation Theory Mathemat…

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An Introduction to Geometrical…

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Light–Matter Interaction A C…

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Geometrical Formulation of Ren…

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Topics and Solved Exercises at…

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Machine and Deep Learning in O…

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Noncommutative Structures in M…

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17% 513MsYs2WtL._SX342_BO1,204,203,200_

Applications of Random Matrice…

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17% 41TKq3WtE4L._SY291_BO1,204,203,200_QL40_FMwebp_

Geometry Topology and Physics …

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Delay Differential Equations a…

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Special Relativity For Inquiri…

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Calculating X- ray Tube Spectr…

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General Relativity and Gravita…

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20% 416kCpQTsAL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_

Challenging Problems for Physi…

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20% 41hZPA2WDEL

General Relativity and Gravita…

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20% 41qStpH6zPL._SY346_

Surface Flute Waves in Plasmas…

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Mathematics Physics & Che…

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Spatial Networks A Complete In…

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Applications of General Relati…

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An Introduction to NonAbelian …

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Modern Physics Introduction to…

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Making Sense of Statistical Me…

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20% 41w4SKkOGVL

A Dressing Method in Mathemati…

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