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Information Technology and App…

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An Introduction to Partial Dif…

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Krylov Subspace Methods for Li…

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Large Deviations for Markov Ch…

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Wave Packet Analysis of Feynma…

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Computational Intelligence and…

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Advanced Mathematics An Invita…

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Numerical Simulation of Incomp…

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Banach Space Operators On C*-P…

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Bloch type Periodic Functions …

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A Festival of Mathematics A So…

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Analysis of a Model for Epilep…

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Mirzakhanis Curve Counting and…

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Recent Progress in Mathematics

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Topics in Complex Analysis

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All-Attainment Teaching in Sec…

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The Psychology of Mathematics …

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Emerging Advancements in Mathe…

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Real Homotopy of Configuration…

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Calculus off the Beaten Path A…

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Exploring Mathematics With CAS…

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Abstract Algebra and Famous Im…

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Multiplicative Differential Ca…

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Seduced by Mathematics The End…

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Advances in Peircean Mathemati…

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Subsurface Environmental Model…

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Fundamentals of Ramsey Theory

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Learning Basic Mathematics 360…

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Invitation to Nonlinear Algebr…

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Algebra & Geometry An Int…

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