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ISE Statics and Mechanics of M…

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GATE Mechanical Engineering 20…

 5,700  6,500
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Modern Mechanics and Applicati…

 5,500  6,500
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Loose Leaf for Shigley s Mecha…

 4,600  5,000
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Shigley s Mechanical Engineeri…

 4,500  5,500
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Advances in Electromechanical …

 4,300  5,000
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Recent Trends in Product Desig…

 4,000  5,000
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Mechanical Engineering Design

 3,500  4,000
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Recent Trends in Mechanical En…

 2,900  3,500
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Recent Advances in Materials T…

 2,900  3,500
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Mechanical Engineering for Sus…

 2,800  3,500
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Proceedings of International C…

 2,800  3,500
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Advances in Mechanical Process…

 2,800  3,500
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Recent Advances in Computation…

 2,700  3,000
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Mechanical Behaviour of Engine…

 2,300  3,000
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Introduction to Process and Me…

 2,100  2,500
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Mechanical Engineering Educati…

 2,100  2,500
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Computational Methods and Expe…

 2,000  2,500
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Quality Management Practices i…

 2,000  2,500
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Nonlinear Analysis of Thin Wal…

 2,000  2,500
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Advances in Modern Machining P…

 2,000  2,500
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Cindynics The Science of Dange…

 2,000  2,500
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Aerospace Mechatronics and Con…

 2,000  2,500
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Proceedings of 10th Internatio…

 1,900  2,500
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The Future of Heritage Science…

 1,900  2,500
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Advances in Manufacturing II V…

 1,800  2,500
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Proceedings of the 1st Interna…

 1,800  2,500
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Mechanical Modelling and Compu…

 1,800  2,500
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Advances in Manufacturing Proc…

 1,800  2,500
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Recent Advances in Structural …

 1,800  2,500
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