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Dictionary Geotechnical Engine…

 6,200  7,000
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Geotechnical Engineering of Da…

 5,600  6,000
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Numerical Methods in Geotechni…

 5,500  6,000
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12% 41X8UwkBZxL._SX328_BO1204203200_-1.jpg

Worterbuch Geotechnik Dictiona…

 5,300  6,000
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Geotechnical and Geoenvironmen…

 4,500  5,000
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Geotechnical Engineering for D…

 4,500  5,000
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Geotechnical Engineering Unsat…

 4,200  5,000
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Numerical Methods in Geotechni…

 3,800  4,500
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Introduction to Geotechnical E…

 3,600  4,500
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Introduction to Geotechnical E…

 3,500  4,000
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ICE Manual of Geotechnical Eng…

 3,500  4,000
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Ground Characterization and Fo…

 3,500  4,000
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Geotechnical Engineering Inves…

 3,300  4,000
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Geotechnical Engineering Princ…

 3,300  4,000
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Geotechnical Engineering for t…

 3,300  4,000
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Proceedings of China Europe Co…

 3,300  4,000
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Principles of Geotechnical Eng…

 3,200  4,000
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Proceedings of the 15th Africa…

 3,200  3,500
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Principles of Geotechnical Eng…

 3,200  4,000
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Construction in Geotechnical E…

 3,200  4,000
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Geoenvironmental Engineering

 3,000  3,500
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Geotechnical Earthquake Engine…

 2,900  3,500
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Fundamentals v 1

 2,700  3,000
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Geotechnical Engineering for M…

 2,700  3,000
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Perspectives on European Earth…

 2,700  3,500
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Reliability &amp Statisti…

 2,600  3,000
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Advanced Geotechnical Engineer…

 2,600  3,000
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Geotechnical Frontiers 2017 Wa…

 2,500  3,000
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Numerical Methods and Implemen…

 2,500  3,000
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Microbial Products Application…

 2,500  3,000
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