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Geological Engineering Proceed…

 8,000  10,000
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Seismic Design Assessment and …

 4,000  5,000
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23% 41y0EYXzY5L._SX313_BO1204203200_.jpg

Earth Structures In Transport …

 3,500  4,500
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Geological Engineering

 3,500  4,500
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23% 513YwlrI6TL._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Experimental Research in Earth…

 3,500  4,500
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Recent Advances in Earthquake …

 3,500  4,500
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Introduction to Dynamics of St…

 3,500  4,500
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25% 51B5cZ-rGXL._SX331_BO1204203200_.jpg

Assessing and Managing Earthqu…

 3,000  4,000
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The 1755 Lisbon Earthquake Rev…

 3,000  4,000
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Earthquake Engineering in Euro…

 3,000  4,000
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25% 41hyWO6NDJL._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Proceedings of the Internation…

 3,000  4,000
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29% 41LyBbXZ8AL._SX328_BO1204203200_.jpg

Earthquake Geotechnical Engine…

 2,500  3,500
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Seismic Risk Assessment and Re…

 2,500  3,500
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Water in Road Structures Movem…

 2,500  3,500
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Advances in Performance Based …

 2,500  3,500
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Preliminary Reconnaissance Rep…

 2,500  3,500
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Syner G Typology Definition an…

 2,500  3,500
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29% 517JoxH9r2L._SX313_BO1204203200_.jpg

Performance Based Seismic Engi…

 2,500  3,500
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Perspectives on European Earth…

 2,500  3,500
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29% 51Xw0IiIZ0L._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Perspectives on Earthquake Geo…

 2,500  3,500
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Eurocode Compliant Seismic Ana…

 2,500  3,500
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Earthquake Engineering and Str…

 2,500  3,500
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29% 41I7sZalZbL._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Developments in Earthquake Geo…

 2,500  3,500
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34% 51LXD4GBdiL._SX366_BO1204203200_.jpg

Aggregates Sand Gravel and Cru…

 2,000  3,000
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Understanding Petroleum Reserv…

 2,000  3,000
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34% 51NcqdVhaRL._SX386_BO1204203200_.jpg

Slope Engineering for Mountain…

 2,000  3,000
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34% 416L586m-L._SX321_BO1204203200_.jpg

Special Topics in Earthquake G…

 2,000  3,000
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Role of Seismic Testing Facili…

 2,000  3,000
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Geological CO2 Storage Charact…

 2,000  3,000
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34% 51nMZyJlRqL._SY344_BO1204203200_QL70_ML2_.jpg

Geotechnical Predictions and P…

 2,000  3,000
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