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A Companion to Hobbes

 2,200  2,500
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A Companion to Late Antique Li…

 2,900  3,500
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A Companion to Latin American …

 3,100  3,500
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A Companion to Literary Biogra…

 2,550  3,000
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A Companion to Literary Theory

 2,000  2,500
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A Companion to Mill

 2,600  3,000
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A Companion to Nineteenth Cent…

 2,200  3,000
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A Companion to Ovid

 2,200  2,500
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A Companion to Philosophy of L…

 3,000  3,500
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A Companion to Philosophy of R…

 3,500  4,000
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A Companion to Public Philosop…

 2,000  2,500
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A Companion to Renaissance Poe…

 2,800  3,500
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A Companion to Roman Rhetoric

 2,300  3,000
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A Companion to Simone de Beauv…

 2,300  2,500
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A Companion to Sophocles

 2,600  3,000
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A Companion to Spinoza

 3,000  3,500
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A Companion to Textile Culture

 3,000  3,500
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A Companion to the Brontës

 2,500  3,000
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A Companion to the Harlem Rena…

 2,100  2,500
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A Companion to the Neronian Ag…

 2,300  3,000
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A Companion to the Philosophy …

 3,000  3,500
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A Companion to the Philosophy …

 2,600  3,000
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A Companion to Virginia Woolf

 2,400  3,000
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A Companion to Wittgenstein

 3,500  4,000
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A Comparative Study of Korean …

 1,500  2,000
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A Compendium of Unique and Rar…

 1,000  1,500
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A Complete Guide to Gene Cloni…

 1,000  1,500
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A Concise Companion to Confuci…

 1,600  2,000
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A Concise Companion to the Stu…

 1,600  2,000
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A Concise History of Mathemati…

 1,500  2,000
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