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27% 51BI2CzoLwL._SY344_BO1204203200_QL70_ML2_.jpg

Aerospace Actuators 1 Needs Re…

 1,100  1,500
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35% 514awsMRI4L._SX314_BO1204203200_.jpg

Aerospace Actuators 2 Signal b…

 1,300  2,000
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27% 51cNwfVD3wL._SX314_BO1204203200_.jpg

Analog Automation and Digital …

 1,100  1,500
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30% 51Y3VFVoeyL._SX311_BO1204203200_.jpg

Analysis Modeling and Stabilit…

 1,400  2,000
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29% 51rQZcu4hL._SX314_BO1204203200_.jpg

Analysis Modeling and Stabilit…

 1,800  2,500
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27% 41uDngWk2RL._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Application of Lasers in Manuf…

 1,100  1,500
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20% 41xUbeecPkL._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Applications of Advanced Optim…

 1,200  1,500
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25% 41mFnyRQVL._SX313_BO1204203200_.jpg

Applied Food Science and Engin…

 1,500  2,000
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25% 51RQjXPweiL._SX328_BO1204203200_.jpg

Artificial Intelligence and In…

 1,500  2,000
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25% 41UDXdUL5rL._SX319_BO1204203200_.jpg

Artificial Intelligence in Mec…

 1,500  2,000
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30% 51wkAtQr20L._SX328_BO1204203200_.jpg

Biocomposites for High Perform…

 1,400  2,000
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25% 41RLSJWztvL._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Bioreactor Engineering Researc…

 1,500  2,000
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25% 41ZHbxF0UYL._SX313_BO1204203200_.jpg

Building Information Modeling …

 1,500  2,000
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15% 41QsDfXnq8L._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Closing the Gap Between Practi…

 1,700  2,000
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25% 41bUlP5LDTL._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Competencies and Global Talent…

 1,500  2,000
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29% 51NUQzwWboL._SX598_BO1204203200_.jpg

Current Signature Analysis for…

 1,800  2,500
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15% 4147QeyuQgL._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Data and Decision Sciences in …

 1,700  2,000
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20% 41HiXKgduL._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Design of Experiments in Produ…

 2,000  2,500
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27% 51wJa9g91OL._SX367_BO1204203200_.jpg

Design Solutions and Innovatio…

 2,200  3,000
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18% 51E1pOE0LL._SX328_BO1204203200_.jpg

Design Tools and Methods in In…

 4,100  5,000
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25% 41cKpIrO3nL._SX350_BO1204203200_.jpg

Designing Wind Turbines Engine…

 1,500  2,000
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20% 41zUnCVeTyL._SX312_BO1204203200_.jpg

Diagnosis and Fault tolerant C…

 1,200  1,500
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16% 41YvA43kuuL._SX313_BO1204203200_.jpg

Diagnosis and Fault-tolerant C…

 2,100  2,500
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27% 41axTdU5awL._SX313_BO1204203200_.jpg

Diagnostic Techniques in Indus…

 1,100  1,500
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25% 51vT6YgMg1L._SX331_BO1204203200_.jpg

Disaster Policy and Its Practi…

 1,500  2,000
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20% 41IXkA-VxzL._SX313_BO1204203200_.jpg

Dynamics of Aircraft Flight

 2,000  2,500
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20% 51JDrjzgcOL._SX312_BO1204203200_.jpg

Emerging Frontiers in Industri…

 1,600  2,000
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30% 51kTtzdFL6L._SX312_BO1204203200_.jpg

Energy Conservation in Residen…

 1,400  2,000
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25% 41QwKV0X7dL._SX330_BO1204203200_.jpg

Engineering Digital Transforma…

 1,500  2,000
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25% 41l9hPJNx1L._SX313_BO1204203200_.jpg

Engineering of Power Plant and…

 1,500  2,000
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