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Autonomous and Autonomic Syste…

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Become an Effective Software E…

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Beginning Software Engineering

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Big Data and Software Defined …

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Building Enterprise Blockchain…

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Building Python Microservices …

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Building Software A Practition…

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Cloud Based Big Data Analytics…

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Component Based Software Engin…

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Component Based Software Engin…

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Computational Intelligence Tec…

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Computational Models in Biomed…

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Computer Performance Engineeri…

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Concise Guide to Software Engi…

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Contemporary Empirical Methods…

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Continuous Architecture in Pra…

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Coordination Models and Langua…

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Core C++ A Software Engineerin…

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COTS Based Software Systems 4t…

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Crowdsourcing and Probabilisti…

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Cybernetics in C++

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Data Analytics for Drilling En…

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Data Centric Business and Appl…

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Data Democracy At the Nexus of…

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Data Oriented design Software …

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Data Structures and Algorithms

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Deep Learning Techniques and O…

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Dependable Software Engineerin…

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Design Applications and Mainte…

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