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Advancing Pluralism in Teachin…

 1,200  1,500
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Afghanistan Politics and Econo…

 1,500  2,000
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African Farmers Value Chains a…

 1,000  1,500
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African Language Media Develop…

 1,250  1,500
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African Seaports and Maritime …

 1,000  1,500
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Against Economics Rethinking P…

 1,100  1,500
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Against European Integration T…

 1,200  1,500
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Agency and Causal Explanation …

 1,500  2,000
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Agricultural Policy in the Uni…

 1,000  1,500
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Agricultural Resilience Perspe…

 1,700  2,000
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Agricultural Value Chains in I…

 1,300  1,500
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Agriculture and Rural Developm…

 1,500  2,000
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Agro and Food Processing Indus…

 1,600  2,000
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Air Traffic Management Economi…

 1,200  1,500
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Airline Economics An Empirical…

 1,500  2,000
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Algebraic and Analytic Microlo…

 2,800  3,500
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Alligators in the Arctic and H…

 1,500  2,000
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Allyn Abbott Young

 1,600  2,000
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Alternative Approaches to Econ…

 1,000  1,500
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American Exceptionalism Econom…

 1,600  2,000
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An Economic Analysis of Intell…

 1,500  2,000
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An Economic Philosophy of Prod…

 2,000  2,500
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An Economic Theory of Manageri…

 1,100  1,500
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An Immigrant Nation Seeks Cohe…

 1,000  1,500
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An Institutional History of It…

 1,300  1,500
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An Institutional History of It…

 1,300  1,500
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An Introduction to Economics E…

 1,500  2,000
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An Introduction to Internation…

 1,200  1,500
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Analytical Corporate Finance 2…

 2,000  2,500
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Analytical Narrative on Subnat…

 1,500  2,000
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