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Public Health and Health Promotion for Nurses at a Glance

 1,500  2,000
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Interprofessional interactions at the hospital Nurses Requests And Reports Of Problems in Calls With Physicians

 1,700  2,000
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Population Based Public Health Clinical Manual The Henry Street Model for Nurses 3rd Ed

 1,550  2,000
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Self Neglect in Older Adults A Global Evidence Based Resource for Nurses and Other Healthcare Providers

 1,700  2,000
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The European Blood and Marrow Transplantation Textbook for Nurses Under the Auspices of EBMT

 1,400  2,000
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Leadership Skills for Licensed Practical Nurses Working with the Aging Population

 1,500  2,000
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Applied Clinical Informatics for Nurses 2nd Ed

 1,400  2,000
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Physical Assessment for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals 3rd Ed

 2,000  2,500
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Nurses Making Policy From Bedside to Boardroom 2nd Ed

 2,100  2,500
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Health Policy Application for Nurses and Other Health Care Professionals 2nd Ed

 1,900  2,500
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Late Preterm Infants A Guide for Nurses Midwives Clinicians and Allied Health Professionals

 1,500  2,000
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Essentials of Pharmacology for Nurses 4th Ed

 1,300  1,500
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