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New Research Directions in Solar Energy Technologies

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Python for Excel A Modern Environment for Automation and Data Analysis

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Applications in Electronics Pervading Industry Environment and Society APPLEPIES 2020

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Habitat Ecology and Ekistics Case Studies of Human Environment Interactions in India

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Climate Impacts on Water Resources in India Environment and Health

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Sustainable Environment and Infrastructure Proceedings of EGRWSE 2019

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Human Environment Interactions An Introduction

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Aspects of the Energy Union Application and Effects of European Energy Policies in SE Europe and Eastern Mediterranean

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Principles of Karst Hydrogeology Conceptual Models Time Series Analysis, Hydrogeochemistry and Groundwater Exploitation

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Fracking and the Environment A scientific assessment of the environmental risks from hydraulic fracturing and fossil fuels

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Desert Landscapes and Landforms of Iran

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Critical Thinking in the Sustainable Rehabilitation and Risk Management of the Built Environment CRIT RE BUILT Proceedings of the International Conference Iași Romania November 7 9 2019

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